Hi, we are
It's good to see you—or, as we like to say, it's kinda nice you are here. Welcome. We look forward to telling you stories about children*, fashion, and being on the way—and even more, to take you with us.
*»Kinda«, as we say in colloquial German

We love children’s fashion that is light-hearted, effortless, and storytelling at the same time. Plus, we have a special eye on independent labels with great designs and a sustainable philosophy. Enjoy our favourite pieces from current collections as seen through the eyes of some of today's most exciting kids’ fashion photographers and filmmakers.
We're big fans of Paade Mode, the Latvian slow-fashion kidswear brand that effortlessly blends classic aesthetics with modern flair. Enjoy their beautiful winter collection, captured by photographer Alexandra Klever.
Come with us to a magic land …
Cwm Idwal is a place of place of myths and legends. Can you feel it?
Coolness fills the air
Scarves and sweaters everywhere
Fall is here
Savannah M. Jones
I look out the window at the tree in the backyard next door just behind a small yellow house. Its crown is still green but I know leaves will fall.
Mike Bayles
Hello, or hallo samen, as the Dutch would say. Have we got news for you! Come take a look at Sticky Lemon’s beautiful new collection, captured by photographer Alexandra Klever.
Meet Pepper, mum Bonnie, and fashion wizard Lis. They are curating the best from every era, and make it their own.
We're happy to admit it: we have a crush on the brand Letter To The World from Barcelona. Feel invited to explore their beautiful summer collection, captured by photographer Alexandra Klever.
Located in the vibrant heart of Barcelona, a city renowned for its artistic heritage, True Artist redefines the concept of children's clothing. This modern brand is led by Adriana Esperalba, a visionary who combines the essence of art and fashion.
Ready for new adventures? There's no better time than spring to put on our favourite dress, call our friends and explore the world!
Everything we’ve always wanted to know about … all those gifted, creative and likeable designers of independent children’s fashion labels. Let's hear about their inspirations, collections, childhood memories and future ideas.
In an era of increasing environmental awareness, many families are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.
Located in the vibrant heart of Barcelona, a city renowned for its artistic heritage, True Artist redefines the concept of children's clothing. This modern brand is led by Adriana Esperalba, a visionary who combines the essence of art and fashion.
Front Row Models is a contemporary kids’ model agency, founded in Barcelona by Jessica Butler in 2017. We talked to her about how it all started, her inspiration, and what she likes most about her job.
R E L O V E D is a new platform for reselling used high-quality clothing items, thus giving them a second life.
A few weeks ago, on a gorgeous summer day, we sat down with artist Ina Cierniak, talking art and family.

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