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Front row models

Front Row is a contemporary children's modeling agency, founded in Barcelona in 2017. We spoke to Jessica, the founder, about how it started, her inspiration and what she likes most about her job.

KINDA: Hi Jessica! Please tell us a little about your upbringing and interests as a child.

............ Jessica: »I consider myself a lucky person, with a lovely family who always gave me the best. I loved growing up in a big family with many cousins and I remember a happy childhood, playing, doing sports, studying, and being surrounded by love. I was always a good student and very disciplined in all areas of my life. I believe that the stability of my childhood favoured my ability to grow as an adult and as a professional.«

KINDA: How did you decide to start your own children's modeling agency?

............ Jessica: »I worked as a casting executive for a fashion event production company for 7 years where I learned a lot about the methodology of creating an event from start to finish, including all the needs of the people involved. I was constantly interacting with bookers, models, and designers, exchanging information to make sure everything went perfectly. I love production and seeing the results after a long process. However, there came a time when I needed a career change, so I decided to go to the other side of the puzzle. Front Row Models is a project born out of love and passion for the work, betting on a healthy and honest professional growth that gives me great emotional satisfaction.«

KINDA: Why children and not adults?

............ Jessica: »I have discovered a special connection with children that I didn't know until a few years ago. Most of us live in a professional environment full of stress and haste, and we are often unable to appreciate the beauty of each moment. On many occasions, I felt out of place during the shows or the endless hours backstage where the superficiality was too uncomfortable. During those years I met wonderful people and professionals whom I admired and learned from, but I was looking for something deeper, with more feeling. I guess this was my call to tenderness for children, it wasn't something planned, it just happened and I'm grateful for it.«

KINDA: What’s the biggest difference between working with children and adults?

............ Jessica: »On a professional level, the work is very similar: you work with options, castings, availabilities, photos, etc. The measurements, requirements, and needs of the models are not the same, but the day-to-day life of a booker is very similar. On a personal level, however, it is different. Sometimes it is indeed more difficult because I care about the children and want them to enjoy their work. Even though they are always accompanied by a parent or guardian, I admit that I worry a lot because I want them to be happy on set and not have any problems...

I am always touched by the tokens of affection I receive from them, their gratitude for the wonderful experiences they have with their family, the opportunity to travel, meet other children, and discover facets of the world they did not know before.«

KINDA: Take us through a typical working day: what's the most time-consuming part, what do you enjoy and what don't?

............ Jessica: »What I like most is that every day is different. Yes, there is a daily routine of similar tasks such as updating measurements and materials, checking availability, casting suggestions, etc., but no two days are ever the same. Every day can be a surprise: a new client, new kids on board, makeovers, wonderful locations to shoot ... that is what I like most, waking up and not knowing what might happen. There are also less pleasant moments when you have to say that an option hasn't been confirmed and it's hard because the children are excited, but in the end, it's the client's decision. I would like to give all my models the chance to enjoy these experiences at least once, but it's not always possible. However, every day I love this job more and everything it makes me feel.«

KINDA: What advice can you give to children and their parents who want to become a model? What skills do you need? What would you like them to know about this work?

............ Jessica: »The first and most important thing for me is that it is the children's own wish and that they enjoy being in front of the camera. It is my job, but for the children, it has to be a hobby. Education is a priority and I am very aware of that. I always advise parents not to become obsessed with it, but to see it as another activity that can give their child wonderful experiences and help them grow as a person. If the child enjoys it, it carries over and the result is fabulous.«



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